Full service for certified results

Since 1980, Panni & Lazzarini carries out check and inspection procedures of parts according to the latest European guidelines, to assure utmost reliability and accountability towards its customers.

Starting from personnel training to logistics, from production processes to management organisation, to the equipment and outside and within the company the check and inspection operations are carried out with the highest accuracy in all activity areas.

Panni & Lazzarini also provides the inspection service of the assembled product, carrying out tests and specific tests for the most different application sectors, including for example the strength and power tests, directly and within the company. Furthermore, the company can develop and build certified testing machines which comply with current regulations, to provide the client with a truly full, efficient and personalised service.

Discover all the benefits of outsourcing your production


Our company can provide customised and flexible solutions for each product sector.


We process every single order and deliver on time, even the most urgent ones.


We ensure comprehensive and inexpensive service also for small and medium-sized industries with low production.


From feasibility studies through logistics and warehousing, we make the most of every production phase.

Obblighi informativi per le erogazioni pubbliche: gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla nostra impresa sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012 a cui si rinvia e consultabili al seguente link https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx